$349 USD


What You Get

Personalised Assessment

You will gain lifetime access to your own personalised 30+ page nutrition assessment. 

The assessment covers:

  • Your body composition
  • Nutritional intake assessment
  • Your optimal calorie and macronutrient intake
  • Weight progression schedule and analysis
  • Recovery
  • Training schedule analysis
  • ...and so much more
Personalised Meal Plan

Kieren will develop your personalised meal plan designed to achieve your nutrition goals. Whether it's to cut weight for competition, optimise your performance on the mats, or stack on as much muscle as possible, we've got you covered. 

Our results backed nutrition strategies will unlock the next level of your grappling performance, and have you looking and feeling better.  

Private Video Walkthrough

Along with your assessment and meal plan, you will access a personalised walkthrough video explaining your assessment, meal plan, nutrition strategies and more.

You will have unfiltered access to Kieren Lefevre to ask questions, develop a game plan and implement your nutrition protocols to get the most out of your plan. 

Unlimited Possibilities

No boring meals.

There are 7,200+ meal combinations... and that's just for dinner alone!

Nutrition adherence is just as important as the nutrition plan itself.

It's our goal to provide you with all the tools you need to fuel your body without sacrificing your taste buds.

Good nutrition should taste great.

The Benefits of a Personalised Nutrition Plan

1. Perform at your Peak on the Mats

Every great athlete knows that nutrition is the key to fueling performance.

To perform at your peak potential on the mats, you must fuel your body with the proper nutrition that meets your individual needs.

If you follow a personalised nutrition plan, you will be giving your body the fuel and nutrients it needs to perform.

2. Make Weight Without the Stress

Are you stressed about making weight for your next competition?

Stuck between two weight classes and need to know which way to go?

Take the guesswork out of weight cutting and make weight with weeks to spare without starving yourself and feeling like crap.

When you get your personalised nutrition assessment, we do all the heavy lifting for you and provide you with a results-backed plan to make weight and feel great.

3. Look and Feel Amazing

Has your weight loss stalled?

It's common for jiu-jitsu guys to stop losing weight from training jiu-jitsu or, worse yet, start gaining extra pounds.

I understand exactly why this happens, and no, it's not because your "metabolism slows down."

It's because your movements are more efficient, and you're burning fewer calories from training (talk about suffering from your success).

Your training history, body metrics, current schedule, and more inform us in developing your personalised strategy to jump-start your weight loss.

4. F#ck boiled chicken and steamed rice

No boring meals.

There are 7,200+ meal combinations... and that's just for dinner alone!

Nutrition adherence is just as important as the nutrition plan itself.

It's our goal to provide you with all the tools you need to fuel your body without sacrificing your taste buds.

Along with our meal-builder technology, you'll gain access to a huge recipe library with over 35+ fast recipes to kick-start your inspiration in the kitchen. 

Good nutrition should taste great.

"Nothing beats a true expert, Kieren’s who I trust for my performance on the mats and who I trust to take care of yours as well."

Jordan Preisinger | Jordan Teaches Jiujitsu on YouTube

Frequently Asked Questions

Meet Your Coach

Kieren Lefevre is a certified fitness instructor, jiujitsu strength and conditioning coach and ISSN-Sports Nutrition Specialist.

Praise for BJJ Strong Online

Journ Tang

Kieren was very comprehensive with my nutrition programming and protocols regarding my health

Jordan Preisinger

Nothing beats a true expert, Kieren’s who I trust for my performance on the mats and who I trust to take care of yours as well.


...I’ve bought a lot of programs and such before and this has definitely exceeded my expectations.