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Mastering Compound Lifts for Superior Jiujitsu Strength s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #026

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, July 28th, 2023

In last week's newsletter, I shared the blueprint for structuring an optimal BJJ training program, and we started that with...

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How to Train for POWER for BJJ s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #025

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, July 21st, 2023

Are you looking to optimize your BJJ training? Have limited time but still want to get powerful and agile on the mats?

I've got you...

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Boost Your Jiu-Jitsu Grip with These Essential Drills s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #021

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, June 23rd, 2023

In the words of John Danaher, every jiujitsu exchange begins with the grip fight.

No jiujitsu athlete can afford...

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Rotation Is Critical for Jiujitsu Power s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #020

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, June 16th, 2023

Jiujitsu athletes are not bodybuilders. A lot of jiujitsu athletes who lift weights for BJJ tend to follow...

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"Just Roll More" Is TERRIBLE Advice for Improving BJJ Cardio s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #018

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, June 2nd, 2023

You’ve probably heard it before when you’ve asked your coach for advice on how to improve your cardio for...

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Stop Neglecting Your Rotation for BJJ s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #017

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, May 26th, 2023

One of the most common areas neglected by jiujitsu athletes is their ROTATIONAL STRENGTH


Rotational training refers to...

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The Most Efficient Workout for Jiujitsu s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #014

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, May 5th, 2023 


Are you looking for an efficient workout that's perfect for jiujitsu athletes? I’ve got you covered.


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Strength Training for BJJ Athletes: Results of a Four Week Program s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #010

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, April 7th, 2023

If you're looking to improve your neuromuscular performance on the mats, then you might be interested in a recent study on strength...

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The Science Behind Cardio for BJJ s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #009

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, March 31st, 2023

“Just Roll More” Is Terrible Advice


This weeks BJJ Performance Tip of the Week is taking a dive into...

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Finding the Perfect Balance Between Traditional and Sport-Specific Movements for BJJ s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #006

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, March 10th, 2023


If you want to get STRONG for BJJ you need to cover all your bases and select exercises that will...

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Doing Jiujitsu Will NOT Improve Your Cardio Fitness s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #005

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, December 16th, 2022


Doing Jiujitsu will NOT improve your cardio fitness

In this week's newsletter,...

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The Science Behind Cardio for BJJ + Mobility Tools and more! mobility nutrition s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #004

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, December 9th, 2022


1.) Mobility Tools | The Rumble Roller

One of the best ways to maximise mobility practice...

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