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BJJ Strong Online
7 Ways Accidentally Kept Myself Weak for BJJ
7 Ways Accidentally Kept Myself Weak for BJJ s&c

These are the 7 ways I kept myself weak while trying to get strong for BJJ.


I had to learn these lessons the hard way, so I'm sharing them with you so you can learn from my mistakes. 


Number 7 is the most important lesson you can learn. 


1) I...

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If You Are Lifting Weights for BJJ It Is Not Enough... s&c

When I started jiujitsu, I was an arrogant mess.


I wasn't arrogant in my grappling ability (I knew I sucked).


I was arrogant in my ability to train for my sport. 


I had over a decade of training in many different fitness domains including powerlifting, CrossFit, I had...

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Isometric Strength Training for Grapplers s&c

Isometric Strength Training is where you contract your muscles without any external movement.


By contrast, dynamic strength training is where you’re moving through a range of motion. For many sports, dynamic training translates to dynamic sports performance.


But is this...

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💊Top 3 Supplement Recommendations for Grapplers s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #043

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, November 24th, 2023

If you're looking to boost your game and achieve peak performance on the mats, nutritional supplementation can play a pivotal role....

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🤕How to reduce your risk of injury on the mats… s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #042

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, November 17th, 2023

It's a reality we can't ignore: injuries in BJJ.

Survey studies indicate that 9 out of 10 grapplers get injured at some...

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Your Ultimate Guide to Getting Jacked for BJJ 💪🏽 s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #041

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, November 10th, 2023

In episode 002 of the BJJ Strong Podcast I outlined a beginners guide to getting jacked for BJJ.

To check out the full episode...

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Improve your Forearm and Grip Endurance 👊 s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #038

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, October 20th, 2023

If you’ve trained jiujitsu for long enough chances are you’ve experience the intense forearm burnout from a tough round...

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🥋How to Select a Training Program for BJJ Performance💪 s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #035

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, September 29th, 2023

In last weeks newsletter I walked through how to prep for a BJJ Competition. In the guide I mentioned a strategy of selecting...

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So you want to get JACKED for BJJ💪 s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #033

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, September 15th, 2023

This session comes straight from the 2-day per week version of BJJ JACKED Program on BJJ Strong Online. The 2-day per week...

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So, YOU want to get STRONG for BJJ💪 s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #032

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, September 8th, 2023

This session comes straight from the 2-day per week version of BJJ Strong Program on BJJ Strong Online.

It’s broken...

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A Beginners Guide to Building a Strength Program for Jiujitsu s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #031

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, September 1st, 2023

Want to take your BJJ game to the next level? Having a tailored strength program can do wonders for your...

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Autoregulate to Dominate | How to Use RPE Training for BJJ s&c

The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #028

Mobility‍ •Strength  •Nutrition •Interesting

Edition: Friday, August 11th, 2023

Ever noticed how different your performance is during training based on how you're feeling that day? This is...

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