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STOP Neglecting These Four BJJ Strength Areas


The odds are high that you're neglecting one or all of these four critical elements in your training:

  1. Core
  2. Rotation
  3. Carry
  4. Grip


These four areas are often missing from conventional bodybuilder "bro-splits" and powerlifting programs.


These four elements are "unnecessary" for bodybuilders or powerlifters.


But they're essential for grapplers.


Why Are The Four Important?

Grappling is incredibly dynamic and demands a lot from your body.


Think about trying to bridge and roll someone off of mount, hip escaping out of side control, or keeping your knees to your chest for guard retention.  


These movements require dynamic rotational power and isometric core strength.  


Every grappling match begins with the grip fight. Grip strength and endurance directly translate to grappling performance.


When training to support your grappling performance, the primary outcomes of your program should be:

  • To get strong
  • Improve your performance
  • Reduce your risk of injury and,
  • Move and feel better


Neglecting core, grip carry and rotation will prevent you from achieving these training outcomes and leave a weak link in your chain.


How to Improve Your Core & Rotation

If you've ever experienced a rib injury from jiu-jitsu, you'll know how vital your core and rotation are to most grappling movements.


To improve your rotation, add rotational and anti-rotational exercises to your training; here are some examples: 


To improve your core strength, here are some exercises I recommend:


How to Improve Your Grip & Carry

Your grips are your first point of contact with your opponent in every grappling exchange.


All grapplers must train their grip strength and carry capacity.


There are three primary strategies you can use to incorporate grip and carry into your training sessions:

  • Good - Modifying your current training program
  • Great - Follow a grip training add-on program
  • Excellent - Follow a dedicated grappling strength & conditioning program


Modifying Your Current Training Program

Exercise modifications to challenge your grip can come in two forms:

  1. Replacing an exercise with a grip training substitute
  2. Adding grip strength training tools like fat grips or towels to your exercises


Here's an example table of substitutions and modifications that will challenge your grip:



Overhead Press

Kettlebell Bottoms Up Press

Dumbbell Farmers Carry

Kettlebell Towel Farmers Carry

Seated Row

Towel Bodyweight Rows

Bent Over Barbell Row

Bent Over KB Row w/ Towel Grips

Bench Rows

Single Arm Bent Over Row w/ Towel Grips 


Pull-Ups w/ Towel Grips


Follow a Grip Training Program

A great way to improve your grip strength is to add specific grip training protocols at the end of your training sessions.


In a recent video, I detailed grip protocols for grapplers, including the anatomy of jiu-jitsu grips and the science behind grip strength training. You can watch here.


Here is a summary of some of the ideas:

  • Grip strength training directly translates to grappling performance.
  • When training the muscles involved in gripping, we predominantly focus on the finger flexor muscles of the forearm.
  • The best exercises for training grip are Barbell Lifts, Dead Hangs, Farmer's Carry, Wrist Curls and extensions, isometric med ball squeeze, and Plate Pinch and hold.


To download my free 12-week grip training protocol "Iron Grip | A BJJ Grip Strength Program" click here.


Dedicated Grappling Strength & Conditioning Program

It's no secret that following a jiu-jitsu-specific strength and conditioning program will enhance your performance and reduce your risk of injury.


Your training program should incorporate at least the following elements:


Having a training program designed for grappling performance will ensure that critical areas like core, grip carry and rotation are not being neglected.


If you're still unsure where to start, I recommend taking my free fitness quiz. It will assess your current level and goals and recommend the best path forward for you.

Get Stronger, Faster and more Powerful on the mats, while reducing your risk of injury. Take my FREE Fitness Quiz here.

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