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Everything you need to know about Jiujitsu and Fasting


The BJJ Performance Tip of the Week | #008

Mobility🧘🏽‍♂️ •Strength 💪🏽 •Nutrition 🥑 •Interesting🧐

Edition: Friday, March 24th, 2023


🍽️Does intermittent fasting help with weight loss?


Intermittent fasting has been getting a lot of attention lately as a potential way to lose weight.

And the answer is yes, it can help you lose weight!

This is because it reduces your hunger or the amount of time that you feel hungry because your feeding window has condensed. And once you get accustomed to an intermittent fasting protocol, you tend not to feel hungry during your fasting period.

🏋️‍♂️Training Jiujitsu while fasting


Training while in a fasted state can reduce your performance.

Particularly if we're talking about strength-based activities or even jiujitsu because it incorporates a lot of explosive movements and strength-based movements, but also includes a lot of cardio. The performance will reduce for most people if you train in a fasted state, and that performance reduction will depend on how adapted you are to train in a fasted state.

However, I will mention that if you've been fasting for around 15 hours or so and you do aerobic cardio, you will actually help to increase the amount of fat that you burn because your body has fewer glycogen stores readily available for the exercise output.

For Jiu-Jitsu athletes who are considering incorporating intermittent fasting into their routine, it's important to be mindful of timing.

While fasting can help with weight loss and reduce hunger, training in a fasted state can negatively impact performance. It's best to schedule training sessions during your feeding window so that your body has enough energy to perform at its best.

If you do find yourself training in a fasted state, be sure to listen to your body and adjust your intensity accordingly. It's crucial to make sure you're consuming enough calories and nutrients during your feeding window to properly fuel your body for training and recovery. Consulting with a qualified nutritionist or dietitian can also be helpful in developing a safe and effective intermittent fasting plan that meets your individual needs as a jiujitsu practitioner.

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